Pompes FLUX pour le secteur du traitement de l'eau

Eaux usées, huiles et polymères, acides et bases concentrés : Les frontières entre l'eau et les eaux usées sont extrêmement floues. Cepandant, il n'y a pas de comprimis lorsqu'il s'agit de stations d'épuration des eaux usées et des installations de traitement au sein d'une entreprise. Le seul facteur pertinent ici est d'obtenir la meilleur qualité d'eau possible dans les limites des plus étroites tolérances.
Afin de garantir les normes sanitaires et environnementales, Notre technologie s'appuie sur des pompes à haut rendement. Pompant les eaux usées des unités de galvanoplastie par exemple, elles filtrent les particules souillant les bains. Les systèmes de pompes et filtres FLUX offrent des solutions éprouvées qui peuvent être configurées pour tout profil d'exigence.
Exemples d'applications :
- Eaux usées acides
- Soude caustique
- Acide citrique
- Concentrés
- Condensats
- Différents acides
- Eaux de ruissellement
- Chlorure ferrique
- Floculants
- Huile hydraulique
- Polymer
- Eaux usées
- Eaux chargées
- Eau
Application descriptions
Pumping out electroplating wastewater
Larger volumes of electroplating wastewater require pumping from a sump to a neutralisation basin. The wastewater contains acids and alkalis as well as dirt particles.Solution:
Centrifugal immersion pump F 640 PP
Three-phase motor
For the apllication designed accessories on requestApplication description:
Our centrifugal immersion pumps are ideal for pumping and circulating larger volumes of low viscosity media, which may also be of an aggressive or abrasive nature. They are immersed in the medium with the motor remaining above the surface of the liquid. Continuous operation is possible with our centrifugal immersion pumps and they can, of course, operate at different immersion depths.In this case, wastewater flows to the sump in which our centrifugal immersion pump F 640 PP is installed via various channels. The liquid is pumped into a neutralisation basin for further treatment. Dirt particles are retained at the bottom of the pump by a sieve. Level monitoring means that pumping from the sump can be automated.
Pumping of wastewater and abrasive slurries
Various abrasive residues from slurries, wastewater and service water require pumping out of wastewater containers, tanks and storage tanks.Solution:
Air-operated diaphragm pumps RFM 25 and RFM 40 with flap valves
For the application designed accessories on requestApplication description:
With their solid construction, the self-priming FLUX air-operated diaphragm pumps in the RFM series can also be used with viscous media, making them ideal for pumping wastewater and slurries that contain particles.Our air-operated diaphragm pumps demonstrate their tried-and-tested quality wherever abrasive particles such as grains of sand come into play. Since the RFM series pumps do not contain any rotating parts, the medium friction is low. This means that the abrasiveness effect is also much lower.
Handling is simple. Our pumps restart reliably in any shut-down position. This ensures high operational reliability with minimal maintenance costs. Pumping pressures of up to 8 bars can be achieved meaning that, in spite of the compact design, an excellent pump capacity is possible.
The flow rate can be controlled extremely accurately by means of an air volume setting on the compressed air motor. The integrated silencer also makes our RFM series air-operated diaphragm pumps quiet.